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A multilayered perspective on entrepreneurial universities: looking into the dynamics of joint university-industry labs

Meissner D., Zhou Y., Fischer B. et al.

Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 2022. Vol. 178.

Digital economy, 2022: Pocket data book

Abdrakhmanova G., Vasilkovsky S., Vishnevskiy K. et al.

M.: National Research University Higher School of Economics, 2022.

The evolution of Foresight: What evidence is there in scientific publications?

Saritas O., Burmaoglu S., Ozdemir D.

Futures. 2022. Vol. 137.

Book chapter
Science and Technology Priority Areas in BRICS+ Countries

Sokolov A., Shashnov S. A., Kotsemir M. N.

In bk.: BRICS Comprehensive Innovation Competitiveness Report 2020. Scientific and technical documentation press, 2021. P. 36-98.

New Science: How Early-Career Researchers Reach New Heights

New Science: How Early-Career Researchers Reach New Heights
In the context of increasing global competition, countries arestriving to ensure technological sovereignty. Those who can ensure economic development and concentrate intangible assets and human capital are emerging as leaders. The growing demand for qualified staff leads to an increase in the role of universities and the demand for early-career scientists. The challenges and opportunities for prospective specialists in the scientific community were discussed at the ‘StratPro Platform’ strategic session at HSE University.

Artificial Intelligence to be Integrated into Futures Studies

Artificial Intelligence to be Integrated into Futures Studies
The XIV International Academic Conference "Foresight and Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy," organized by the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK), took place at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE University) on October 28-29, 2024. Leading Russian and international scientists and experts from more than 20 countries presented research covering a wide range of topics, from the skills needed for science and technology, and the evaluation of policy effectiveness in these areas to advanced approaches and methods in futures studies that can help accelerate the implementation of national and corporate strategies and even ideas found in science fiction. A cross-cutting theme throughout the Foresight Conference was how to integrate artificial intelligence into this research area.

‘Be Prepared to Do Your Best Because Your Resilience Will Be Tested’

Maryann Asemota
Maryann Asemota, from Nigeria, graduate of the Master’s in Science, Technology, and Innovation Management, now works as researcher at the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK). In an interview with the HSE News Service, she shared her experience of working at HSE University, her future plans, and gave some advice on pursuing a career in academia.

‘Geographical Distance No Longer a Problem’: ISSEK Fosters Cooperation with Think Tanks in BRICS Countries

‘Geographical Distance No Longer a Problem’: ISSEK Fosters Cooperation with Think Tanks in BRICS Countries
In September, the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge hosted an international working meeting with representatives from Brazilian, Egyptian, and Indian think tanks. The participants discussed opportunities for cooperation, including joint surveys, comparative studies, databases, and publications on foresight, technology, and innovation. It was also decided to draft a multilateral agreement to establish the BRICS Foresight Association.

HSE University to Expand Cooperation with Brazilian Universities

HSE University to Expand Cooperation with Brazilian Universities
On October 14, 2024, International Partnership Day Russia–Brazil took place at HSE University. The event was organised in collaboration with the Brazilian Embassy in Moscow and marked the first Brazilian academic and scientific mission to Russia, leading to the signing of cooperation agreements between HSE University and four Brazilian universities.

HSE Experts Take Part in the First International Workshop on Technological Sustainability of BRICS

HSE Experts Take Part in the First International Workshop on Technological Sustainability of BRICS
On September 19–20, Skoltech hosted the First International Workshop on Technological Sustainability of BRICS: University-Industry Partnerships, organised jointly with HSE University Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center. The meeting was held as part of the BRICS working group on technology foresight and science and technology studies.

Education in the Context of Demographic Forecasting of the Russian Population

Education in the Context of Demographic Forecasting of the Russian Population
Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center has published the 36th issue of the research digest. It presents the latest results of a study of demographic forecasting and its factors. The research is carried out as a part of the project "Development of multi-status demographic models for Russia accounting for the level of education and health status / life expectancy".

Why Do Businesses Need Social Programs?

Why Do Businesses Need Social Programs?
The social responsibility of business is growing against the background of aggravated social, economic and digital inequality. Most consumers are ready to give up the goods and services of those companies for which profit is more important than caring about people and environment. The trend towards systematic social investment is the main topic of the new issue of trendletters, produced as part of a joint project of the Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center and the UNESCO Futures Studies Chair (UNESCO Futures Literacy Chairs network).

10 Facts about ISSEK

2022 marked 20 years since the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge has been founded. To celebrate this 20th Anniversary, we selected key events and facts in ISSEK’s history that sparked reflective discussions in academia, set new milestones for HSE University, or encouraged development in various sectors of the Russian economy and public life.

The 30th Anniversary of the UNESCO Chairs Programme Was Celebrated in Paris

The 30th Anniversary of the UNESCO Chairs Programme Was Celebrated in Paris
Professor Alexander Sokolov, Head of the Higher School of Economics UNESCO Futures Studies Chair, took part in the International Conference “Transforming knowledge for just and sustainable futures” held to mark the 30th anniversary of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs programme. The event took place at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France, on 3-4 November 2022.
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