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A multilayered perspective on entrepreneurial universities: looking into the dynamics of joint university-industry labs

Meissner D., Zhou Y., Fischer B. et al.

Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 2022. Vol. 178.

Digital economy, 2022: Pocket data book

Abdrakhmanova G., Vasilkovsky S., Vishnevskiy K. et al.

M.: National Research University Higher School of Economics, 2022.

The evolution of Foresight: What evidence is there in scientific publications?

Saritas O., Burmaoglu S., Ozdemir D.

Futures. 2022. Vol. 137.

Book chapter
Science and Technology Priority Areas in BRICS+ Countries

Sokolov A., Shashnov S. A., Kotsemir M. N.

In bk.: BRICS Comprehensive Innovation Competitiveness Report 2020. Scientific and technical documentation press, 2021. P. 36-98.

Tag "Social Programs" – News

Why Do Businesses Need Social Programs?

Why Do Businesses Need Social Programs?
The social responsibility of business is growing against the background of aggravated social, economic and digital inequality. Most consumers are ready to give up the goods and services of those companies for which profit is more important than caring about people and environment. The trend towards systematic social investment is the main topic of the new issue of trendletters, produced as part of a joint project of the Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center and the UNESCO Futures Studies Chair (UNESCO Futures Literacy Chairs network).