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A multilayered perspective on entrepreneurial universities: looking into the dynamics of joint university-industry labs

Meissner D., Zhou Y., Fischer B. et al.

Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 2022. Vol. 178.

Digital economy, 2022: Pocket data book

Abdrakhmanova G., Vasilkovsky S., Vishnevskiy K. et al.

M.: National Research University Higher School of Economics, 2022.

The evolution of Foresight: What evidence is there in scientific publications?

Saritas O., Burmaoglu S., Ozdemir D.

Futures. 2022. Vol. 137.

Book chapter
Science and Technology Priority Areas in BRICS+ Countries

Sokolov A., Shashnov S. A., Kotsemir M. N.

In bk.: BRICS Comprehensive Innovation Competitiveness Report 2020. Scientific and technical documentation press, 2021. P. 36-98.

Tag "forsight" – News

Artificial Intelligence to be Integrated into Futures Studies

Artificial Intelligence to be Integrated into Futures Studies
The XIV International Academic Conference "Foresight and Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy," organized by the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK), took place at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE University) on October 28-29, 2024. Leading Russian and international scientists and experts from more than 20 countries presented research covering a wide range of topics, from the skills needed for science and technology, and the evaluation of policy effectiveness in these areas to advanced approaches and methods in futures studies that can help accelerate the implementation of national and corporate strategies and even ideas found in science fiction. A cross-cutting theme throughout the Foresight Conference was how to integrate artificial intelligence into this research area.